Sunday, November 21, 2021

Will I qualify for the title of Academic Terrorist bestowed upon me long ago?

Life is a unprofitable episode that disturbs an otherwise blessed state of nonexistence:
Who said this?... Nietzsche or perhaps Schopenhauer
I am not sure,my memory is weak
Be that as it may,
In the interlude I would like to remain as an
Academic Rebel and be helpful to the downtrodden
by voicing their cumulative frustration with the 
Corrupt insensitive rulers for ages
The incompetent rulers who are not even worth
a plateful of cabbages

Being faithful to my profession and the world of 
Academics, the right ones who championed the 
Cause of the weak and the poor and 
helpful to all protest movements 
I will qualify for the title
Academic Terrorist on the campus.

Keynes and Marx, Thiruvalluvar and Thirumoolar
Will give  strength and purpose to my existence
And make my life meaningful....

(This was written on 15-5-2018, at 3 am...
At Adelaide I  again wrote about the woes and the heartbeat of 
Agitating farmers... today I am happy that their collective will has made the aggressive ruler to kneel down.A nonviolent struggle will have Focus and also purpose.
By quirk of fate I found out the old poem today)
Prof D Sambandhan

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Corruption has been talked about more not to root it out, but to ride on power in the post truth world of today.

Like the inexorable process of globalization, the age old institution of prostitution,  the word corruption too has always merited attention , not to stampout the cult of deeply entrenched cancer of corruption but to talk about it sensationalise and dramaize it to capture power and undermine the opposition as if  the aspirant is pure gold and has nothing to do with it.The fact  of the matter is that the substantial segment of the society comprising of the administrative machinery judiciary, police and the rent seeking corporate companies.The newly launched electoral bonds with no transperancy and promising unfair advantage to the prospective winners has legaised corruption.
Corruption is not merely an abstract concept or moral or legal issue, but a hydra headed monster which has  threatened and demolished the very survival of the foundation of the democratic fibre of our society. While the nature, content and degree of corruption and unfair tade practices in politics which itself has emerged as prime business activity like real estate and the like  are more cancerous and toxic in countries like India ,it is something which is tolerable in matured advanced economies where for normal and legally permissible privilege one need not shell out money.
The famous Bush Language of US and Them,has entered into our political laƱdscape now.The ruling party say X , could easily threaten the crooks and criminals to support it lest the Enforcement agencies would  make their life miserable.Those sectors where black money and black wealth generation are rampant meekly yield and submit to the establishment and also sing the glory of the government no matter how anti-people,  it's policies are.
Goverment indulgent towards corruption in high places are well known, but selective raids take place?
This means, politicians make more noise deploring corruption ,but allow the container lorries,filled with tonnes and tonnes of currency notes to disappear and vanish into thin air after detaing it fr a while.
Under any regime, the tendency to harass and sideline anri corruption crusaders is visible and the action of politicians belie their words.
Expectations of the tribe of politicians to root out  corruption is like asking for the Moon? The law seems to bend backyard to protect the guilty and greedy and reckless ly rich getting richer by evading taxes.
Unless honest men in public life, including the Bureaucracy emerge , the nation is doomed to degeƱerate into chaos .,
When fence is eating the crop, and the creator takes time  by imagining, His law will take its own course like the slow price adjustments in classical macro model, we shall be spectators of the familiar drama enacted every five years.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Do I understand my importance and also my importance in my subject

Good work is not done by humble men.It is one of the first duties of a professor, for example in any subject, to exaggerate a little both the importance of the subject and  his own importance in it.A man who is always asking,
"If what I do worthwhile? andAm I am the right person to do it" ? will always be ineffective himself and discouragement to others.Je must shut his eyes a little and think a little more of his subject and himself than they deserve.
I exactly fit into this quote by G H Hardy and despite my sense of diffidence I have never questioned or underestimated my love and potential for my subject and my role in it, as  I am still in it at seventy plus.
To be honest my subject Economics has given me more than I deserve.
Post retirement wife's death, visit to Adelaide twice and post Adelaide stay at my home town I have remained active reading and writing .
It's not an exaggeration to say that I have captured the spirit of my Mahe stay, my first appointment as Assistant Professor and HOD, being a one man department.
The subject is making me hungry while it has adequately satisfied my hunger...
The pleasantest feeling is that the academic greed is refusing to die  and I pray that it will persist, albeit in modest doses, till I breathe last and help execute multiple projects I started long ago.
A few on line lectures are waiting in the wings and I hope God will enable me to fly with my academic wings in the arena of international finance..
(From my post Adelaide Pondicherry Diary)