Saturday, April 23, 2016

Each person in the crowd has his own troubles,sadness written on his face and wrinkles formed in his mind

My apology for my neglect of blog writing.I cannot give any rational explanation.One plausible explanation could be my academic commitments in Hyderabad central university and kottayam M G University.Like a student I  PREPARED FOR  THE LECTURE by going through Paul krugman's old Columns.

We humans do not live life as it is to be lived and with all rationality and affluence and riches  the peace and bliss have become more scarce and elusive.Long ago Blake captured this:

A mark in every face i meeet,
Marks of weakness, marks of woe".

This is also the time of stupid marks and students worry more about their grade and not about their passion.In the age of marks and grade and also the dominance of  market and ofcourse the manipulative and seductiveinfluence of  media which includes internet where is the time to look/read Marx-the young Marx who wrote about the devaluation of human being.Allover the world recession has hit on the face and jobs have become rare and Market fundamentalists are confident that the economy will find its own equilibrium with booms and bust the integral component of the capitalist model.They do not bother the wrinkles on the face and mind anxiety written on the forehead and all uneasiness and helplessness locked into their hearts

.How much pain on the faces which have forgotten to laugh.More anxiety and fear about the future, incapacity to get the necessary connectivity sum up the honest and good.Merit alone does not  define and guarantee the right job.Contrast with birds and animals  having the wisdom and courage to be happy and healthy and do not crave to eat more than they want and be content with they can acquire by hard work  where human greed is non-existent. 

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