Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The multidimensional aspects of the major health crisis descenting into hell right before us

While ruminating and reflecting on the continuing covid 19 health crisis, the major financial and currency crisis of 2007-08 appears  to be  less grave in terms of lost life and livelihood for many .That was the major economic catrostorphe originating from the US and the entire globe was tossed into a tailspin of the longest recession and the US was the earliest to get out .The subsequent European soveeign Debt crisis did upset the economic and social equilibrium of the world economy...There were SARS kind of virus earlier too.

But the on-going corana pandemic is one of the worst economic Tsunami enveloping the world causing differential dislocation and deprivation depending upon the sensitivity and competence of the leadership as also the existence of health infrastructure in the nations.

Nearer home we documented how the lack of leadership and over confidence and the trust deficits between the centre and the states especially the opposition ruled states  compounded the chaos and aggravated the health crisis.

Lack of transparency about all aspects of dealing with the virus and absence of any coherent and meaning ful strategy  created an existential crisis.A lot of misinformation and distorted fake news added fuel to  the fire .

At a time when free flow of information is needed and optimal polices and right leadership required the elected autocrats  had their own whims and fancies, prejudices and misplaced priorities in decision making.For a long time there was neither any serious  self introspection nor tangible conscious action in combating the multi dimensional health emergency. 

Under the new reality of the authoritarian regime ,the democratic fabric became visibly  fragile and more vulnerable.The intervening electoral battle became an arena for the fascist forces to test their political muscle with enhanced  money power to usurp political power by hook or crook and thank god in three important key states democracy won and responsive and responsible governments have taken charge .

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