Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Everyone Needs a Tonic

In the recent times statutory positions and titles have provided me an ‘enabling environment’ to speak on varied themes on the stage in the campus and also outside.
Even earlier, when I functioned as an ordinary faculty, I had plenty of opportunities to articulate on important platforms. My first public speech as Assistant Professor began on 15th August 1970, and I can proudly and confidently say that I was academically reborn on that day.

Since that Independence Day speech at M.G.G.A.C, Mahe under the benevolent guidance and encouragement of principal Ravindran, I began my journey as a voracious reader and speaker since then the wise and benevolent destiny has not abandoned me. Every time, I stand before the mike, I do have my normal butterflies in the stomach .This habit to take each meeting or rather each class room lecture seriously has disciplined me so much that on occasions even with very little preparation, I could speak. One such great occasion came very recently when I was called upon to deliver the valedictory address, which was more like a concluding technical session in a conference.
My strength was that I could always connect with some contemporary developments in my field, International Economics and looking through that lens. I would deal with a topic in question .Without being an expert, it’s always easy to indulge in a discourse in a more relaxed manner. That’s my comfort Zone .Speaking is an art .Unless there is some grace from above, this cannot be neatly executed.

Hailing from village background and being born to hard working parents who have not had any formal education and receiving school education in mother tongue, transition to college education and entry into university was smooth. Thanks to academic solidity provided by the Head Master of my village school and also enterprising professors I had at Puducherry and Madras. I could wade through the slippery waters of academic life. Thank you Lord ,for all the academic stimulus. Goad me to action always, by giving strength to my eyes and knees. Being greedy academically, I am in perpetual poverty and higher yardstick of standard that I set for myself always dwarfs me; “She makes hungry where she satisfies”,- Shakespearean statement will fit into my discipline which has given a lot of peace in life.

A few words of appreciation from a lady staff on the Administration side at the bus stop and a student hand shake this morning just now, -all related to a very short speech delivered on two different occasions in the last 48 hours, triggered me to ruminate and reflect my past and remember my teacher principal (1970) and the creator.

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