Monday, May 31, 2021

Right leadership was lacking, and even Minimum strategy was missing

For nearly 18 months the  corana virus has been  with us .It was not keeping quiet but remained active mutating itself with all militancy and virulence.Indeed the virus found a fertile climate/ ground in the Indian soil to proliferate and multiply effortlessly as shall be explained shortly.

Close on the heels of the first wave  the rest of the world  went into a war mode and  started evolving a manifold strategies to combat the expected second wave  and were preparing themselves for they knew its ramifications-the shocks and disturbances that it would unleash on the people would be severe.
Modi's India lived in a world of illusion and delusion and self congratulating itself  that India had the rescilence and a social system to overcome the crisis and it proclaimed that the game of corana was  over  and it had been stamped out..They were seduced and blinded by the longest lockdown which gave a temporary relief with all its adverse permanent consequences on the livelihood issues.

This further means that the government of India did not bother about evolving any plan, a master plan or any coherent and comprehensive strategy to come to terms with it , tame it and take precautions by way of augmenting the supply of oxygen and other related medical infrastructure in  event of  the second wave arriving.
This time was not mvested to augment and strengthen the health infrastructure but consumed away by its habitual Hindthuva competeive politics of destabilisation of the opposition, altering the federal structure and winning election in fig States
The administrative machinery and particularly the  itinerary of the PM travel diary was more focused on flying and addressing a huge audience collected by money power.The  fire of  the crude and raw hatred  was blown.

To add more insult to the injury a huge gathering of kumbha Mela was allowed to respect and reflect the Hindu sentiments and it was withdrawn only after the damage had been done and the virus had entrenched itself fully and feverishly.It proved to be the super spreader and almost all the international media made a quick reference to it when the virus was causing havoc and creating an existential dilemma for the entire country.It was made known by the CM of a state in the North that the faith of the devotees will overcome the fear of corana.

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