Friday, May 14, 2021

"Like tiny birds fallen, too soon from a nest"

The following lines were written when I was sitting in the comfort zone of Adelaide in 2020  freed from the stress of covid 19 but getting worried over the calamity in my home country.i am revisiing them now.
Conditions have become much worse now and life is just withering away just like that and corana is unleashing death in its own mysterious ways.
Samuel Becket comes to my rescue and console me :
One day we were born, one day we shall die,the same day the same second...
Birth astride of a grave, the light gleams as instant then it's night once more
A match flickers, but does not light.
Corana has taught what philosophy has laboured hard to convey:
Life is so fragile that it's merely an instant, it's in the moment right before you and just live .what about those who can't access economic wherewithal and sell their wares as inevitable lock down will put an understandable stress.
If treatment is given early after proper diagnosis and supplemented by doctor's help there is no problem.But the problem is neither the doctor nor the affected ones  do not know the impending dynamics in a world of uncertainty caused by scarcity of oxygen or vaccine or even food.Life has changed . confrontation with death is not at the appointed hour.The unbearable, unjust and unexpected presence of death just stare at us ..what possible sense could be made and what words I could use for their comfort.
Death of brother, classmate' s wife demise and the daily news of departure of known facesis just intimidating and paralysing the mind .

The existential dilemma of not just the poor but also the rich the super rich is real..
In a complicated and crisis situation like this ,corana kind of illness can either bring you together or it can tear you apart.All of us have to be there for each other.
Many do not think about death and assume that they will be here for ever...The isssue is not about living or death, but what kind of life is worth living and how are we going to live at margin...
Albert Einstein says:
There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle
The other is as though everything is 
We shall be grateful for the roof over our head and a job that assures food on the table.
We shall treat everyone with gratitude and render all possible help to those who are in need .
(Adelaide diary2020 revisited)

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