Friday, September 22, 2017

In the name of nationalism countries do mischief ;Great recession will be the consequence

I am a Tamil by birth and Pondicherry is my home town
It is now called as Puducherry.
Formerly a French territory but now a part of India
A great sub continent far bigger than Europe.
By that accident I am an Indian

Why should I confine myself with this narrow frontier?
With all my anger against the artificially created language barrier
And the hegemony of a single language which is nowhere to
many classical languages and their rich cultural heritage?

The whole world is mine and all the citizens of the world are
My brothers and sisters ,my kith and kin.
That is how my Tamil tradition has valued it and embraced
The entire humanity of the world under one roof

without generating any hate politics or polarizing the nation
In the name of caste and creed or color, or region and religion

North Korea and India inclusive of the U S and china,
to name only a few countries as sample
wish to thrive and fool the masses in the name of nationalism
as against the much needed universal ism
Knowing full well that it is the extreme form of parochialism

Scientist Einstein said long ago:
Nationalism is the measles of mankind
Like George Santayana we can only lament
Mankind is a tribe of animals,living by habits and thinking in
symbols, and it can never be anything else..

The result:world will enter into a prolonged recession and the poor
women and children will suffer more

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