Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Shall we have the expertise to paint the beautiful landscape in the middle of the battlefield?..Dsam's Adelaide diary

You never know what might happen next. But you somehow linger on hoping for the best praying for justice and earnestly defending your ethical core and values of life. With full awareness and much discipline when you lead a life of simplicity and honesty you get into a zone of comfort. Health fails.
Children suffer/ Their immunity goes down. Optimism gives way to gloom. You feel that you are alone singled out and the entire world is moving with infinite colour and festivity. What shall we do at that time? Except to cling to Lord’s feet and your own faith and hope for the best. Sometimes doctors themselves are problems. Consider a case where surgery is not immediately called for but fate takes you the operation theatre and that is clumsily carried out what shall you do? Just think after some time that leads to another operation which does not fully eliminate the problem and the pain, what shall you do?
Doctors are not god but they are the messengers of God? Should not they be responsible and more sensible before they take a decision? But it is futile to blame any one when your time is bad. We will not cry at that time. But plead before the Lord that the ball is in his court. We will hold on to His feet tightly and pray that justice be delivered for the honestly stored energy to render work for some more time…
If father is alive today he will be glad to hear these words coming from me. When my children were young while praying God he told them:” your father is not serious in praying and he does not visit temples you ask HIM to give  nalla buddhi (good wisdom) to your father”.
Even now I do not pray in any conventional way and go to temple when my children take me ..it is not that I do not have faith .It has not become habit. Be that as it may be right from the start I have been internalising the truth that I have been guided by some supreme force and I am just an actor in the drama…I have stayed away from the crowd…Thinking about my parents and my sweet girl who is gone and dissolved into the cosmos  days pass….there are multiple projects on hand to work and enjoy that work with periodic tea break…I read once and also used it in my Business line article…A good director of photography is one who is able to paint a beautiful lands scape in the midst of a battlefield….My dear we are all on battlefield to defend our language and land from being polluted and contaminated by the evil forces   …we need the divine guidance and will power to surmount our daily struggle..

Monday, February 19, 2018

An exercise in translating kural by dsam ( From Adelaide diary)

An excercise in Translating  kural;

Sep rated from husband the lady laments at home afflicted by love ailment known as pasalai and kamam.Our hero there ruminates over  the wealth of pleasure delivered by her when they were together once.
Toddy gives pleasure only to those
who drink but
Kamam intoxicates and make any one
Happy by sheer thinking about it
Small wonder
 kamam is sweeter than toddy.
At various stages of life we pass through many experience and more important relationship that  we will cherish is our love life at a very young age..I was lucky to get my M A degree at 20 and I got married at 22 and became father before I reached 25...Now it takes minimum 30 years to land into a good job and also get a girl/ boy 
Life is at jet speed  In Melbourn I saw people eating the sandwitch lunch while walking  on platform.Do the career oriented youngsters have time to romance and get bliss or get drunk in parties  miss breakfast and say busy boss  when he is called?!

saint valluvar is clear that the girl dear to the heart is the treasure and I had her   for long  ...she has gone to a different land  By just thinking about her and seeing her in the dream I get the bliss...she will goad me to work as she did when she was in physical form. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Economics must unite even while dirty and divisive politics divides is the thrust of my essays from Business Line

.Given the complexity  and chaos in the contours of political and economic landscape under the current Modi regime I will ruminate over for a while. This is time , our politicians need to be educated about the brutal side of economics namely globalization and open economy macroeconomics .I also notice a clear anti- people attitude permeating in the guise of religion , hydrocarbon, water politics and sheer callous attitude towards the basic requirement of the people like safe drinking water, sanitation, basic health, primary education, good quality higher education and usable connect roads in villages and inadequate transport facilities by road and rail. The feverish enthusiasm shown in approving bullet train which will run between two closer cities but cost more than a lakh crore or plans for starting smart cities, is not visible in improving the condition of the villages or upgrading railway facility so that poor will not travel like cattle. There is more brutality and insensitivity in managing the country while the rulers advocate and attempt to implement those  projects and schemes  which are  against  the very livelihood  of people their health and their posterity .This is clearly an anti-Indian attitude. Please kindly note it is my general criticism against the erstwhile regime and also the present one ;there is always a sectional bias and regional bias in addressing the economic issues. I make a general statement with due caution.
  Stated otherwise, rulers regardless of their shade, color  caste or ideology or the region from which they spring from must have the elementary sensitivity and Himalayan responsibility to do what people want them to do. India is a vast sub-continent not just a country  and hence all the regions must be handled like a tender girl ( sorry feminists  be kind )  respecting their identity ,culture, language, tradition customs and habits. This further means  in the name of growth or in the guise of silly and destructive politics the regions not willing to accept a particular party  must not be molested and converted into a desert.Economics must help and unite when politics is going on dividing .This is the thrust of my essays .

.Furthermore all the regions whether they have voted for the ruling party or not  they are also the citizens of the country and hence no discrimination can be practiced. To illustrate, at the time of writing there is a flash (I wish it is not true) that all the southern states do not figure in the list announced by the central government about the establishment of medical colleges while all the BJP ruled states have got a lion’s share. I will stand  corrected if that information is wrong.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Economist Manmohan was a man of simplicity honesty and scholarship ,but in the second innings he was like a pussy cat sitting on driver's seat presiding over scams and scandalsbecause he had emerged as politician

The economic reforms initiated by the congress government in the early nineties in a sense were more of an accident and they were undertaken under compulsion rather than by choice; it made a radical departure from its own brand of bureaucratic socialism or Nehruvian Post- Office socialism. The creative destruction that remains at the heart of market economy was unleashed by Dr. Singh in the form of  a) opening up the economy to foreign competition, b) privatizing the profit making PSUs, c) freeing exchange rates and interest rates relatively from the bureaucratic shackles and administrative fiats, d) lowering the general height of the tariff wall, e) slashing down customs and excise duties and in sum easing or eliminating all forms of controls and regulations that had all along crippled the expansion and diversification of the private sector.

“Seldom before had single man made so much difference in the lives of the people as Dr. Manmohan Singh whose economic policy has left a mark on the system.  His simplicity, scholarship and commitment to the service of the people are in the best traditions of the service above self” so read the citation by jury members while presenting honest man award to Dr. Manmohan in 1996. 

By taking the economic road less travelled by his predecessors Dr. Singh could make a significant impact on balance of payments, exchange rate and inflation in a short span of time. Despite this remarkable macro economic transformation, the congress party got the worst beating in the electoral battle that followed their reformist rule.  Dr. Manmohan’s poetic statement during his hey-day in parliament that voting for congress was good economics as well, somehow did not sound music to the ears of the majority of the electorate weighed down by poverty and steep erosion in the purchasing power of rupee. They had an innate common sense and judgement to perceive that the structural economic reforms had not reflected and respected their aspirations.  Surprisingly enough besides economics, perhaps the bad immoral politics, the growing tendency of amorality among politicians must have alienated the masses from the Congress Party.  The confused verdict delivered then was thus a natural derivative of a heightened irritation with the rulers.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Economists may differ , their forecast may make astrologers look good and yet they must interpret keeping the interest of the common good

The following passage appears in my forthcoming volume on From Marx to Market
What's the purpose of reviews and comments while they are available in abundance by eminent professional experts? Proliferation of comments and criticism are called for, as they essentially arouse and excite besides illuminating some hard economic truth. There are certain facts we need to know if we are to understand and appreciate properly and objectively about the success areas and failure zones of reform period. A critic by his selective discourse, some passing reference to long forgotten passage or phrase might offer an imaginative and speculative reconstruction of reality, though an unbiased picture of economic truth will be as rare as durable peace on the desert soil of Arab world.and several other pockets
          The embarrassing question however is how far can critical comments and constructive criticism, inclusive of creative appreciation go? Where does interpretation end and nonsense begin? Why is one interpretation hailed, while others get brick bat? Eventually, it boils down to one's own intellectual training, ideology, quality of knowledge and sense of perception towards society, while examining economic issues which really touch the lives of millions of people with all social ramifications.

Market led economic order did not check corruption ..Modi could fool the people that he could.and come back to power

From the excerpts of the critique of Manmohanamics the ideology which  wrought fiscal revolution....... 
 During the crucial transition period of late 60s and early 70s, the influence of political power brokers grew immensely and the collusive oligopoly started flowering between politicians and bureaucracy. Licenses and quotas conferred windfall gains to this coalition. Later, Business men and police jumped into the bandwagon of corruption. Majority of the people in the executive wing realised that it was futile to swim against the current and it was better and wiser to build financial empire and thus there was a natural and normal process of the evolution of a corrupt regime, linking politicians and bureaucracy and the resulting accumulation of personal wealth by these rogue individuals got recycled back  to overseas bank account.
Everyone expected that , unleashing of harsh market forces  and dismantling of  exchange control regime and massive privatisation programmes would ultimately check corruption , put the economy on a fast development track and that market friendly policies and programmes will eventually promote the common good of the majority freed from the interference of the Government. But alas! the nexus between crime, business and politics- all leading to massive corruption has become so tightly linked now in the market driven economic has order and only under the intervention of Supreme court, big time corruption has come to the surface and also a prolonged battle has to be waged by civil groups through Public Interest Litigation (PIL) to bring them to light. The much infamous  2G Spectrum and Common Wealth Games scandals may have been the symptom of massive corruption but still they are only, a tip of the iceberg and absolutely there is no commitment or willingness by the Government to unravel the black money and repatriate it from overseas banks accounts 

(It has done one thing for the tea vendor turned chief minister to  become the PM of the country  by the slogan that he will bring out the black money  and root out corruption He told he will put 15 lakhs into individual bank account  OH  my fellow true Indians  sorry  anti Indians  i am fedup and tired about the direction of my country.).Economics cannot work unless there is basic governance. 

Market cannot work unless there is a set of social norms. Nothing can work if politics continually outsmarts economics and even at a global level there is no major power to play the role of an anchor with tremendous moral authority to punish the rouge national economies. 
My dear PM be happy  you do whatever you like  clowns in TN will make your party to get deposit I predicted hung assembly in 2014  but your magic  sorry God's will operated you won and got into drunken Monkey mood and did something dramatic which no sane individual could ever  think of   Now you beg that you should not be judged by that...If the opposition remains disunited and the congress does not have the strategy to collar you sufficiently  you will be the great leader of 21 st century and do one more demonetisation as a factory in Bangla Desh has printed your notes and we do not know the branch offices...