Monday, February 12, 2018

Economists may differ , their forecast may make astrologers look good and yet they must interpret keeping the interest of the common good

The following passage appears in my forthcoming volume on From Marx to Market
What's the purpose of reviews and comments while they are available in abundance by eminent professional experts? Proliferation of comments and criticism are called for, as they essentially arouse and excite besides illuminating some hard economic truth. There are certain facts we need to know if we are to understand and appreciate properly and objectively about the success areas and failure zones of reform period. A critic by his selective discourse, some passing reference to long forgotten passage or phrase might offer an imaginative and speculative reconstruction of reality, though an unbiased picture of economic truth will be as rare as durable peace on the desert soil of Arab world.and several other pockets
          The embarrassing question however is how far can critical comments and constructive criticism, inclusive of creative appreciation go? Where does interpretation end and nonsense begin? Why is one interpretation hailed, while others get brick bat? Eventually, it boils down to one's own intellectual training, ideology, quality of knowledge and sense of perception towards society, while examining economic issues which really touch the lives of millions of people with all social ramifications.

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