Thursday, August 6, 2020

An angry man who ventilated despair in poetic prose.

All through  his life he remained  as  Reader.see his naivety  and plain foolishness 
After  a quarter century  of service  already  on Reader scale  did  not hesitate  to  join  as Reader as only  that post was advertised...
He remained  content  in teaching  and  writing  what  was relevant. The Hindu  Business  Line  opened  a new vista  and  he continually  provided  a critical  commentary  on contemporary  developments  in the domestic  and  international  economy 
Today  when  he looks  back and attempts  to compile  those essays  on economic reform  and exchange  rate economics  under the title   From  Marx To Market  and Other  Essays  on Manmohanamics he feels  immensely  happy  and  amply  rewarded 
For the last many  years this project  is getting  delayed. 

While  dsambandhan  was fully  appreciative  of the invisible  hand of the competitive  forces  of market  and the Smithian  self  interest  he was also  equally  conscious  of the oppressive  and disruptive  character  of market  which is sometimes  assisted and  colluded  with the irresponsible  and malign  state  for the pecuniary  consideration  of the vested  interests..
At a time when  Nehru as an architect  of modern  India  is ridiculed  and  undermined and post demonetization and GST  ECONOMY  followed  by inadequate  economic  response  to covid  disaster all leading to economic  ruin  and   more dissension  and  religion  also adding  fuels  to the fire
It is felt that  some reworking  must be done and  do some revisiting  through  the lens of Bus.Business  line essays. 
Dsam is  attempting  to breathe  in the necessary  oxygen and if God wills  in a matter of months  it should  see the light  of the sun...
It's  is his firm belief  that those essays  were not written  merely  in a journalistic  perspective  but with all  rigorous  economics  and  students   the serious  students  and  also teachers  will be appreciative  of the work 
Being  a man  of perfection  the more he refines and  polishes the  introduction  and  the postcripts he gets distanced  away. He hopes that  as there are many semi processed  and fully  finished  materials  waiting  in the wings I must clear one by one so that liberation  process begins from  August..dsambandhan  @50.

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