Saturday, April 5, 2014

The pupose of Learning is to know GOD

Those who are well read and also lucky enough to get located and discovered are not only the blessed ones but also the happiest lot. There is a sense of fulfilment of having accomplished something.valluvar asks a simple question; what is the use of learning  many books in life if you do not have an innate  tendency to think about HIM?
This simply means there is no meaning in your accumulated knowledge stemming from books when you do not fall at the FEET of the LORD WHO IS THE ultimate embodiment of knowledge under the sun..
As stated earlier, the beauty of kural is that there is no reference to to the head of the creator but only to the feet and his insistence of falling at HIS feet. - A truly benevolent feet   .That alone will help relieve the pain and put an end to the cycle of birth and death.

This further means the essence of all learning is to know and realise GOD. There is no other  purpose in accumulating knowledge other than knowing Him. What a wonderful way of propagating the secular ideals by making a pointed reference only to the feet and not the head

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