‘Life begins at Sixty’: very much true in my life
The famous statement that ‘life begins at sixty’ has become very much true in my life. After my first overseas Paris trip, followed by a package tour to Dubai ,Abudhabi and Srilanka last year, I was lucky to undertake my first LTC trip to the Kashmir Valley, the lovely paradise on Earth, in the last four decades of my energetic academic life.
Today I was pleasantly surprised by my B.P reading showing exactly 120/80 .I must share with the readers that on the eve of Kashmir trip, one day by sheer accident I had an opportunity and compulsion to take the B.P reading both during morning and later in the evening. To my great surprise, this ideal figure appeared then also. I know that this is not my normal reading but I must hasten to add that despite my regularly irregular nature of taking B.P tablets and also not adhering to any worthwhile discipline in diet and exercise, the Supreme has been taking care of me with motherly care and father’s compassion.
This does not mean that I shall continue to remain indifferent to my health and diet; the benign reading gives me an optimistic hope that I will have my own time, albeit limited in the marginal sense to read more beyond economics and get some comfort that there is life even after sixty. Indeed without undermining what I have done in the last forty years I only know that I am yet to start my productive academic life.
Today morning while purchasing groceries at a nearby Chettiar shop, one old student of P.G centre in the early 90’s surprised and shocked me by saying that they cannot forget the three stars of the department namely, D.D, D.M, and D.S. What else one needs in this life- the most insipid life of shallow economic globalization than to get a real tribute from old students borne out of love towards that segment of teaching community practicing work ethics.
I may not have built huge fortunes, given my naivety in not managing my finance nor rendered a minimum justice to my family’s happiness and peace, but there is a feeling of fulfillment and contentment that life at sixty is worth savoring by looking at the past, the distant past which will never come back in concrete real time, but again and again would resurface in the shades of the molecules of the brain.
I know, the time has come to streamline my entire academic, domestic and financial life in the real sense of the term and the Supreme has already sent the key ambassadors and messengers to sort out all the outstanding issues. Now I need not look back, but only to look forward with quiet confidence and heightened optimism about many academic things to be accomplished.Furthurmore some minimum stretching, some nutritious food, deep sleep and even irregular walking schedule can help my physical system to function with less wear and tear.
Today I was pleasantly surprised by my B.P reading showing exactly 120/80 .I must share with the readers that on the eve of Kashmir trip, one day by sheer accident I had an opportunity and compulsion to take the B.P reading both during morning and later in the evening. To my great surprise, this ideal figure appeared then also. I know that this is not my normal reading but I must hasten to add that despite my regularly irregular nature of taking B.P tablets and also not adhering to any worthwhile discipline in diet and exercise, the Supreme has been taking care of me with motherly care and father’s compassion.
This does not mean that I shall continue to remain indifferent to my health and diet; the benign reading gives me an optimistic hope that I will have my own time, albeit limited in the marginal sense to read more beyond economics and get some comfort that there is life even after sixty. Indeed without undermining what I have done in the last forty years I only know that I am yet to start my productive academic life.
Today morning while purchasing groceries at a nearby Chettiar shop, one old student of P.G centre in the early 90’s surprised and shocked me by saying that they cannot forget the three stars of the department namely, D.D, D.M, and D.S. What else one needs in this life- the most insipid life of shallow economic globalization than to get a real tribute from old students borne out of love towards that segment of teaching community practicing work ethics.
I may not have built huge fortunes, given my naivety in not managing my finance nor rendered a minimum justice to my family’s happiness and peace, but there is a feeling of fulfillment and contentment that life at sixty is worth savoring by looking at the past, the distant past which will never come back in concrete real time, but again and again would resurface in the shades of the molecules of the brain.
I know, the time has come to streamline my entire academic, domestic and financial life in the real sense of the term and the Supreme has already sent the key ambassadors and messengers to sort out all the outstanding issues. Now I need not look back, but only to look forward with quiet confidence and heightened optimism about many academic things to be accomplished.Furthurmore some minimum stretching, some nutritious food, deep sleep and even irregular walking schedule can help my physical system to function with less wear and tear.
When I began ‘life begins at sixty’, it was not meant to contemplate what all I have written, but only to marvel at the destiny, the wise and benevolent destiny which took me to Kashmir Valley just like that, in order that I will be soaked in enjoyable chill breeze, sunshine, mild drizzles, including the unadulterated love of the village folk.I am not able to believe all these. It has just happened. Kashmir has been always projected as a troubled political zone. Movies have vastly exaggerated their inner tensions of the region without really going into the fundamental problems that confront them. I will write more about Kashmir trip which was made possible by the initiative of my colleague in the campus,which was ably assisted furthur by our student community-the social capital that we have built-up.
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