Friday, May 16, 2014

TRANSLATION4;The secret of life is not to be cowed by the blows of life

The author continues:
Just now I was telling you that how those army men are also like us and what makes them special is that they fought for life with full heart and virtually sweated themselves out. I narrate this to you because all of us should not fail to struggle; till the end we should wage a war for the sake of life – to survive in life. The longing for and all the struggles of life are worth it.

It would be very difficult for both of you to accept what I say and yet you should shoulder the pain and bear it. My girl, don’t cry before him and make him feel that you are showering sympathy on him. That will weaken his limbs and self-pity will shake his determination and make him insane. This is the time when you must speak and show yourself before him as if nothing serious or calamitous event has taken place. I know it is easier said than done, and   very difficult for you to internalize this. But it is absolutely essential and important that you should act as I say and suggest.

When the life turns and transforms itself into a kind of stepmother’s behaviour, it kills men and torments life without any mercy or sympathy. The greatness and the villainous part of life lies not in getting bombarded and beaten by it but rather how you negotiate it. We should not be cowed down by the blows of life. There lies the secret of life.

Once the physical pain subsides and get moderated the man starts cracking his mind trigerring all the molecules of the brain.

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