Friday, July 31, 2020

Empty Economic spaces Threaten life

Away  from Facebook  for a fortnight 
Cut off from French town  home for months 
With occassional WhatsApp  calls and messages
And contemplating  on the current  dollar's  dilemma
I have been  striving  to renew myself  afresh. 

There's  peace and quiet here
In Adelaide  I can  lock the house and walk  out to the sun
When it shines brightly and more gently 
Even  during  winter
By sheer position  and geographical location 
Australian  coastlines  are 
A sheer beauty  pleasant  sight to watch
"Where the sea beats upon a wider shore" 
And around  these nerves cities  have lined up.
While  Sydney  and Melbourne  have been  battling  with the semi virus 
Adelaide  has swiftly  recovered  and it's  much safer relatively
While  I am  in the comforts  of home and confronting  winter
And wrapped  up in love and affection 
The others  the collective  term  which captures  all the disadvantaged  under the sun
Are  missing  their work and sleep 
When  empty  economic spaces frighten them.
There's  no solution  in sight
Except  to fight it alone in their hearts.

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