Friday, October 16, 2015

I am not here to compare or compete but to collar you and expose your academic sterility and gross irresponsibility.(excerpts from the silent soliloquy on campus politics

Given the philosophical bent of mind, I know that I am here not to compare or compete with others.
My uniqueness as a person, as a teacher, writer and orator and so on has been not fully grasped by you as you lack the necessary intelligence : the creative and productive side  of the individual has been fully ignored and ridiculed and just marginalised under the weight of hypocrisy and sadistic mindset. to add to my woes, the cockroaches surrounding you, aspiring to become the Deans and VCs paint a wrong picture, knowing full well about your critical inability to discriminate good from the bad. Small wonder then the bad has driven the  good  from  circulation a la, the Gresham’s Law successfully operates now. Who knows, some other stupid head may arrive on the scene at a later stage and make you look good and  historians would judge you more favourably than me.
Gentleman,I want to repeat there is no intention to ` measure my success or failure by comparing with others. Mine will be neither confrontation nor co operation with your good self. You are a non entity for me  devoid of any academic substance; many a time I wonder  how you could  buy this exalted position with little academic resume.

But as the stupid and irresponsible  head you have succeeded in erecting barriers and stumbling blocks in disturbing my peace  and mental harmony.I must undo the magical reality of the anxiety manifested in me which virtually blocked my vision and modest ambition. If i am careful enough to listen to the voice within me here and now this precious moment which is nothing but present actually the present then the present will not be tense and destabilising  and the future  will be more perfect and more promoising.You are not going to be here for 100  years. Nor will be your crooks and criminals who must be in jail now for the series of financial frauds committed in the past and will be committed in the future and for their absolute sense of lack of work ethics in not handling even a single class. Is God sleeping in Heavens Comfortably? Never to bother about the good and honest.

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