Monday, October 19, 2015

Marital water has become more slippery and hence risky:The elite and the educated are also the victims

For everything there is a season and also reason
The fruit comes at the right time during a season
The torrential rains do not fail during monsoon.
Why is it that when the time comes and thro’
Arranged alliance or the digital love or other wise
The spark of love or a hand of friendship
Just vanish into thin air never to reappear?

Why the hell the sexually inadequate and or
A neatly impotent fellow agree to marry and also
Living with her for a few months and in some cases
A beautiful son is born not getting interested in the girl?
The other day I saw that wonderful child who
At first sight looked like a girl.
Will he not have a freedom of choice to have his father
And enjoy the simplest pleasures of life and laughter
Should the girl starve of human warmth and not get summer time
During the mild winter of the south India.
For everything there is  a reason and a season.
Oh!  Tell me God even The Animals have a sense of
Love, smell and touch and warmth and why
It is becoming scarce and dry in humans

Who have been made in your image.

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