Tuesday, October 6, 2015

on the ideal marriage and the other side of it

Marriage as an institution has its own merits and flaws. It becomes suspect only when it continues to be fixed on an unequal basis and dowry plays a larger than life role in sealing the fate .So long as it is a merger of two hearts and minds and not a takeover and the couple have the maturity and wisdom to catalyse each other energies without much expectation and are always ready to constantly support and strengthen each other in good and bad times and are willing to nurture each other’s personality, talents and skills to the fullest extent possible without  any ego problem  then it is an ideal ambience for stability and peace at home and marital bliss will be a lasting phenomenon.
On the other hand if husband and wife are one and that one is the husband, as an English jurist,William Blackstone put it then one gets  a depressing marital relation and the wedded bliss evaporates no sooner than it arrived. Perkins Gilman captures that depressing picture as follows :
“  O come and be my mate
Said the Eagle to the hen
I love to soar, but then
I want my mate to rest
Forever in the nest”
Said the Hen,” I can’t fly
I have no wish to try
But I joy to see my mate
Carrering through the sky.”
They wed and cried, “Ah
This is love, my own!”
And the Hen sat, the

Eagle soared alone.”

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