Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Let us free ourselves from the fear of death and birth and while living respect the nature

There is  nothing as fearful as death ,and there is no suffering as great as birth.Be free from the fear of both birth and death, by doing away with attachment to the body  ,” says mahavira.Thiruvalluvar also says that unless you surrender to the almighty you cannot swim through the ocean of birth and death and while living we can get away from suffering my meditating on the feet of the supreme.
Kural continues: Death is like going to sleep and Birth is nothing but waking up after deep sleep.It simply means there is a continuity in existence. Although Stephen Hawking has said that there is nothing like rebirth and like the components of computer machine the Brain too dies once it is worn out. Why do young people die?...

I know that the best way to live and have peace is to have detached attachment.It is  very easily said than  done.sitting/perching on the earth in a small corner in Pondicherry amidst the in a vast ever expanding galaxy in a Milky way (?) I have travelled around the sun nearly 66 times and yet I could not see or feel the infinite stars and suns and planets in the immediate and distant neighbourhood.But when I am here  I am able to wonder the  vastness of the universe its mysterious and merciful nature. Nature is always supreme and even when it is cruel it is benign for Nature cannot go wrong.Do not find fault with me gentleman  I am fascinated by nature .that will guide me as it had done all along in my life. 

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