Monday, February 15, 2016

Retiement is only the interval and I will have my peace and freedom

This is the second part of what I felt on the day of my retirement. I could not sleep on that day after 2 45 A M.I took the draft of Arul Jason”s thesis manuscript and started correcting for nearly two hours. It  was a good beginning. I was in the world of sterilized and unsterilized intervention of Central bank. His pet theme was how a huge accumulation of reserves would act as a signaling mechanism to forex traders ad credit  rating agencies and so on.The eyes  signaled that I should get some sleep. When I got up at 6 15 AM again laziness enveloped me  and I did not meekly submit and I found myself soon on the beach with the rising sun and many known people.I met three of my colleagues.
 Know the retirement is something inevitable and that it is not the end of the story. It is more like an interval that we need in life. One needs peace and a bit of aloofness to know oneself and I will have all the time to spend with books and play with the grandchildren. Indeed  my whole active life was spent in reading and preparation for the class and I did not think about more publications which I could have done very easily in larger measure. That wisdom did not enter into my brain.I hope I will have more time for reading and travel and watch some some classic movies and also cultivate more link with my subject.

I never planned anything in life  ..No goals or targets …Not much ambition .I am what I am and I am happy with myself. The only merit or drawback is that there is more academic greed and I will be  more blessed and satisfied if the supreme can shower me with good eyesight and normal health.with all my globalization I will try to live in a shell and enjoy nature and books.when I am concluding my grandson says:Thatha, nalla  padi meaning “Grand pa,  read well”. It was just a flash and he has all the attributes and skills to evolve as a good intellectual worker.

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