Monday, April 28, 2014

when It fails to rain the farmer,the ocean and the Devas will sufer

Just imagine for a moment that the Rain god refuses to provide rain. what will happen then.kural says that in the absence of any rain water trickling down from the sky to the earth, not even a single blade of grass will grow here. All the living creatures will scorch themselves to hunger and death , notwithstanding a enormous amount of  water enveloping the earth. That vast expanse of water is of little significance to the masses.The resulting poverty and famine, pestilence and fear will inflict more pain and last for long without any kind of redemption.

If the quantum of rainfall declines reflecting the depletion of water resources above the farmers will not take their ploughs and perform their farming activities and agriculture as an occupation will get a severe beating and will get eventually abandoned.

It is not just farmers and of course all the consumers will lose in the life game but also the spillover effects will touch the heaven above and the ocean below. If the rain gathering clouds dry out themselves faster  who will bother to appease the rain God  by giving the offerings in the form of  all gifts and Pooja. That is , the exalted status enjoyed by the ministers among Devas in charge of rain will be deleted in the minds of people.

In the same vein even the great oceans constantly roaring on earth in an endless fashion will come to their grief by losing their innate quality and attributes-their  inherent fertility and the utility .When the rain giving clouds are inadequate  and hence  unable to have the necessary  room for romance through thunder and lightning.

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