Monday, January 25, 2016

The last minute invitation revives my spirit and where did the energy come from?:Thinking of the good old days the days which will never come but all the memories will linger for ever

By divine intervention I got up at  3 30 AM and  in the next 15 min   started  living with  the subject breathing it effortlessly . The compulsion was  the two day lecture programme arranged by my dept currently headed by Prof Lazarus.All my laziness and accumulated stress vanished into thin air; I prepared for some time and got energized by it  I needed diversion to go for a walk   but it was  still 5 and the weather was chill  the alternative was to write a blog now itself as I will not have time  in the next 2 days.I felt that I should recollect  my  journey.
 All through my life even for class lecture I used to have this kind of butterflies and more importantly when I was taking calculus segment for MA students at PG centre I would have hardly spoken to my wife or kids .That might have affected the equilibrium at home a little as they got used to it but the professional satisfaction that I got  and the inner peace that I obtained   I can hardly put down in words.Gentlemen, please understand this is  sambandhan’s trademark  of having fear like the actor Shiv aji Ganasan to do the work better  and not to rock like a monkey drunk with wine,and becoming  supremely arrogant. I was lucky to have  the company of Professors  like Dharmalingam,Gopalakrishnan Muthukumarasamy and Lakshminarayanan  in the PG centre (1989-1994) to provide a competitive environment.  ie. Our team was good and  no one wanted to give A MEDIOCRE LECTURE

RE  with less pay pocket  at that time.All seniors  well experienced  could have   managed with little effort  although least cost combination in the class.My intellectual encounters In PUNE ECONOMICS CONCLAVE  AT  my alma metre gohkale Institute(2014),an international conference at IPE,Hyderabad(2015) and the more recent IIM K  Indian Econometrics.were made possible thanks to my students  who are accomplished scholars now and also Prof kamaiah, the Dean of the School of economics Hyderabad.
Currently I have been selectively engaged  in encouraging  my students to be my collaborators depending upon the convergence of interests. The crucial academic partner(New delhi) who is also my MIM  student is also taking care of my burden but asking me to slow down keeping the health in mind.  He is an understanding guy,  more scholarly  and more keen that I should not stop writing  and my reading should not go waste  .In the past we tried  but could not take things to the logical destination: now we are working hard  sometimes 24 x 7  without any trace of tiredness given the synergy and enthusiasm in doing work .We are confident that  at least we will  get our minimum wages for our efforts.

To use cricketing analogy I am no Gavaskar or Tendulkar but  Krishnamachari Srikanth  who was  an aggressive batsman and always kept the score card moving and my students saw that  old young cricketer cricketer in me.I am still aggressive but talk without much aggression   sorry  I am not fully right   One of our boys form Pondicherry university currently at Christ university made a candid observation: Sir Prof Sambandhan has not changed .That is the best compliment I can ever get inthis life.

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