Thursday, January 14, 2016

Translating kural;How the lover is hijacked by her eye? And devoured by her fleeting look!

Treatment of love in kural is something to be enchanted relished and savored in tranquility.everyday i will try to translate besides focusing on my is pongal and i am not sure in how many homes there will be financial wherewithal to celebrate and rejoice.But the great asset of many disadvantaged and dispossessed people is that like pongal overflows on the pot tremendous love and friendship overflows in their homes.with laughter and sense of humour they do live life with all fury and glory.If the couple becomes the soulmate and sexual gratification simply follows like a mathematical logic in a natural and normal way despite financial woes and absence of luxury what else you need?  pongal will be sweet

IN kural the focus is on eye-the powerful medium which draws the lover like a magnet.See how valluvar explains:
My heart  is devoured by her fleeting look.that conveys all her love!(1092)

She looked at me with all eagerness and expectation/concern;to be honest her eye was begging towards me.this is how she irrigated her love crop (1093)

When i look at her, she looks at the ground.when I don't she gently and stealthly blushes and smiles at me (1094)
we shall meditate on a few more tomorrow.

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